Source code for ussd.screens.function_screen

from ussd.core import UssdHandlerAbstract
from ussd.screens.serializers import NextUssdScreenSerializer
from rest_framework import serializers
import importlib

[docs]class FunctionScreenSerializer(NextUssdScreenSerializer): """ Fields used to create this screen: 1. function This is the function that will be called at this screen. 2. session_key Once your function has been called the output of your function will be saved in ussd session using session_key 3. next_screen Once your function has been called this it goes to the screen specified in next_screen """ session_key = serializers.CharField() function = serializers.CharField() @staticmethod def validate_function(value): split_path = value.split('.') if len(split_path) <= 1: raise serializers.ValidationError( "Module name where function is located not given" ) function_name = split_path[-1] module_name = '.'.join(value.split('.')[:-1]) try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: raise serializers.ValidationError( "Module {0} does not exist".format(module_name) ) if not hasattr(module, function_name): raise serializers.ValidationError( "Function {0} does not exist".format(value) )
[docs]class FunctionScreen(UssdHandlerAbstract): """ This screen is invisible to the user. Its used to if you want to call a function you have implemented. Its like a complement of http screen. In http screen you make a request to an external service to perform some logic. This screen on the contrary if the logic that you want to be executed is within your application you use this screen to execute it. Your function will be called with UssdRequest object. And it should return a dictionary that will be saved in ussd session Below is the UssdRequest that will be used. .. autoclass:: ussd.core.UssdRequest Screen specification .. autoclass:: ussd.screens.function_screen.FunctionScreenSerializer Examples of function screens: .. literalinclude:: .././ussd/tests/sample_screen_definition/valid_function_screen_conf.yml """ screen_type = "function_screen" serializer = FunctionScreenSerializer def handle(self): split_path = self.screen_content['function'].split('.') function_name = split_path[-1] module_name = '.'.join(split_path[:-1]) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) self.ussd_request.session[ self.screen_content['session_key'] ] = getattr(module, function_name)(self.ussd_request) return self.route_options()