Source code for ussd.screens.http_screen

from ussd.core import UssdHandlerAbstract
from ussd.screens.serializers import NextUssdScreenSerializer
from rest_framework import serializers
from ussd.tasks import http_task

class HttpScreenConfSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    method = serializers.ChoiceField(
        ("post", "get", "put", "delete")
    url = serializers.CharField(max_length=255)

class HttpScreenSerializer(NextUssdScreenSerializer):
    session_key = serializers.CharField()
    synchronous = serializers.BooleanField(required=False)
    http_request = HttpScreenConfSerializer()

[docs]class HttpScreen(UssdHandlerAbstract): """ This screen is invisible to the user. Its used if you want to make an api call. Its very if you want to make a api call so that you can show the user the results in the next screen. For instance you can make call for balance check using this screen. And display the balance in the next screen. Fields used to create this screen: 1. http_request This field contains all the fields used to make http request. It contains the following fields: a. method This is the request method to use. either: get, post, put, delete b. url This is the url to be used to make the api call c. And all the parameters python request module would accept you will example below 2. session_key In this screen the api call is expected to return json body. The json body is saved in session using this session_key 3. synchronous (optional defaults to true) This defines the nature of the api call. If its asynchronous the request will be made later in celery task. 4. next_screen After the api call has been made or been scheduled to celery task ussd request is forwarded to this next_screen Examples of router screens: .. literalinclude:: .././ussd/tests/sample_screen_definition/valid_http_screen_conf.yml """ screen_type = "http_screen" serializer = HttpScreenSerializer def handle(self): http_request_conf = self.render_request_conf( self.ussd_request.session, self.screen_content['http_request'] ) if self.screen_content.get('synchronous', False): http_task.delay(request_conf=http_request_conf) else: self.make_request( http_request_conf=http_request_conf, response_session_key_save=self.screen_content['session_key'], session=self.ussd_request.session, logger=self.logger ) return self.route_options()