Source code for ussd.screens.input_screen

from ussd.core import UssdHandlerAbstract, UssdResponse
from ussd.screens.serializers import UssdContentBaseSerializer, \
    UssdTextSerializer, NextUssdScreenSerializer, MenuOptionSerializer
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
import re
from rest_framework import serializers
from ussd.screens.menu_screen import MenuScreen

class InputValidatorSerializer(UssdTextSerializer):
    regex = serializers.CharField(max_length=255, required=False)
    expression = serializers.CharField(max_length=255, required=False)

    def validate(self, data):
        return super(InputValidatorSerializer, self).validate(data)

class InputSerializer(UssdContentBaseSerializer, NextUssdScreenSerializer):
    input_identifier = serializers.CharField(max_length=100)
    validators = serializers.ListField(
    options = serializers.ListField(

[docs]class InputScreen(MenuScreen): """ This screen prompts the user to enter an input Fields required: - text: this the text to display to the user. - input_identifier: input amount entered by users will be saved with this key. To access this in the input anywhere {{ input_identifier }} - next_screen: The next screen to go after the user enters input - validators: - text: This is the message to display when the validation fails regex: regex used to validate ussd input. Its mutually exclusive with expression - expression: if regex is not enough you can use a jinja expression will be called ussd request object text: This the message thats going to be displayed if expression returns False - options (This field is optional): This is a list of options to display to the user each option is a key value pair of option text to display and next_screen to redirect if option is selected. Example of option: .. code-block:: yaml options: - text: option one next_screen: screen_one - text: option two next_screen: screen_two Example: .. literalinclude:: .././ussd/tests/sample_screen_definition/valid_input_screen_conf.yml """ screen_type = "input_screen" serializer = InputSerializer def handle_invalid_input(self): # validate input validation_rules = self.screen_content.get("validators", {}) for validation_rule in validation_rules: if 'regex' in validation_rule: regex_expression = validation_rule['regex'] regex = re.compile(regex_expression) is_valid = bool( force_text(self.ussd_request.input) )) else: is_valid = self.evaluate_jija_expression( validation_rule['expression'], session=self.ussd_request.session ) # show error message if validation failed if not is_valid: return UssdResponse( self.get_text( validation_rule['text'] ) ) self.ussd_request.session[ self.screen_content['input_identifier'] ] = self.ussd_request.input return self.route_options()