Creating ussd screens

This document is a whirlwind tour of how to create ussd screen.

Strong feature of ussd airflow is to create ussd screen via yaml and not code. This make it easier to give the product owners to design ussd without knowing how to code

In ussd airflow customer journey is created via yaml. Each section in a yaml defines a ussd screen. There different types of ussd and each type has its own rule on how to write ussd application

Common rule in creating any kind of screen Each screen has field called “type” apart from initial_screen

The following are types of ussd and the rules to write them.

1. Initial screen (type -> initial_screen)

class ussd.screens.initial_screen.InitialScreen(ussd_request: ussd.core.UssdRequest, handler: str, screen_content: dict, initial_screen: dict, logger=None)[source]

This screen is mandatory in any customer journey. It is the screen all new ussd session go to.

example of one

initial_screen: enter_height

type: quit
text: This is the first screen

Its is also used to define variable file if you have one. Example when defining variable file

    screen: screen_one
        file: /path/of/your/variable/file.yml
        namespace: used_to_save_the_variable

Sometimes you want to send ussd session to some 3rd party application when the session has been terminated.

We can easily do that at end of session i.e quit screen, But for those scenarios where session is terminated by user or mno we don’t know that unless the mno send us a request.

Most mnos don’t send notifier 3rd party application about the session being dropped. The work around we use is schedule celery task to run after 15 minutes ( by that time we know there is no active session)

Below is an example of how to schedule a ussd report session after 15min


    type: initial_screen
    next_screen: screen_one
        session_key: reported
            max_retries: 3
            - expression: "{{reported.status_code}} == 200"
            url: localhost:8006/api
            method: post
                ussd_interaction: "{{ussd_interaction}}"
                session_id: "{{session_id}}"
            queue: report_session
            countdown: 900
Lets explain the variables in ussd_report_session
  • session_key ( Mandatory )
    response of ussd report session would be saved under that key in session store
  • request_conf ( Mandatory )
    Those are the parameters to be used to make request to report ussd session
  • validate_response ( Mandatory )
    After making ussd report request the framework will evaluate your options and if one of them is valid it would mark session as posted (This is used to avoid double ussd submission)
  • retry_mechanism ( Optional )
    After validating your response and all of them fail we will go ahead and retry if this field is active.
  • async_parameters ( Optional )
    This is are the parameters used to make ussd request

2. Input screen (type -> input_screen)

class ussd.screens.input_screen.InputScreen(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This screen prompts the user to enter an input

Fields required:
  • text: this the text to display to the user.

  • input_identifier: input amount entered by users will be saved

    with this key. To access this in the input anywhere {{ input_identifier }}

  • next_screen: The next screen to go after the user enters


  • validators:
    • text: This is the message to display when the validation fails regex: regex used to validate ussd input. Its mutually exclusive with expression
    • expression: if regex is not enough you can use a jinja expression
    will be called ussd request object

    text: This the message thats going to be displayed if expression returns False

  • options (This field is optional):

    This is a list of options to display to the user each option is a key value pair of option text to display and next_screen to redirect if option is selected. Example of option:

     - text: option one
       next_screen: screen_one
     - text: option two
       next_screen: screen_two
  type: initial_screen
  next_screen: enter_height
  default_language: en

  type: input_screen
    en: |
      Enter your height
    sw: |
      Weka ukubwa lako
  input_identifier: height
  default_next_screen: enter_age
    - condition: input|int == 60
      next_screen: height_above_60
    - condition: input|int == 30
      next_screen: height_below_30
    - regex: ^[0-9]{1,7}$
        en: |
          Enter number between 1 and 7
        sw: |
          Weka namba kutoka 1 hadi 7

    type: input_screen
      en: |
        Enter your age
      sw: |
        Weka miaka yako
    input_identifier: age
    next_screen: show_information
      - text:
          en: back
          sw: rudi
        next_screen: enter_height
        - regex: ^[0-9]{1,7}$
            en: |
              Only nubers are allowed
            sw: |
              Nambari pekee ndio zimekubalishwa
            default: en
        - expression: ussd_request.input|int < 100
            en: |
              Number over 100 is not allowed
            sw: |
              Nambari juu ya 100 haikubalishwi

      en: |
        Your age is {{ age }} and your height is {{ height }}.
        Enter anything to go back to the first screen
      sw: |
        Miaka yako in {{ age }} na ukubwa wako in {{ height }}.
        Weka kitu ingine yoyote unende kwenye screen ya kwanza
    type: input_screen
    input_identifier: foo
    next_screen: enter_height

  type: quit_screen
  text: We are not interested with height above 60

  type: quit_screen
  text: We are not interested with height below 30

4. Quit screen (type -> quit_screen)

class ussd.screens.quit_screen.QuitScreen(ussd_request: ussd.core.UssdRequest, handler: str, screen_content: dict, initial_screen: dict, logger=None)[source]

This is the last screen to be shown in a ussd session.

Its the easiest screen to create. It requires only text

Example of quit screen:

initial_screen: example_of_quit_screen

  type: quit_screen
  text: "Test getting variable from os environmen. {{TEST_VARIABLE}}"

5. Http screen (type -> http_screen)

class ussd.screens.http_screen.HttpScreen(ussd_request: ussd.core.UssdRequest, handler: str, screen_content: dict, initial_screen: dict, logger=None)[source]

This screen is invisible to the user. Its used if you want to make an api call. Its very if you want to make a api call so that you can show the user the results in the next screen.

For instance you can make call for balance check using this screen. And display the balance in the next screen.

Fields used to create this screen:

  1. http_request

    This field contains all the fields used to make http request. It contains the following fields:

    1. method
      This is the request method to use.
      either: get, post, put, delete
    2. url
      This is the url to be used to make the api call
    3. And all the parameters python request module would accept

    you will example below

  2. session_key

    In this screen the api call is expected to return json body. The json body is saved in session using this session_key

  3. synchronous (optional defaults to true) This defines the nature of the api call. If its asynchronous the request will be made later in celery task.

  4. next_screen

    After the api call has been made or been scheduled to celery task ussd request is forwarded to this next_screen

Examples of router screens:

initial_screen: http_get_example

  type: http_screen
  next_screen: http_get_url_query
  session_key: get_response
    method: get
    url: http://localhost:8000/mock/balance
      phone_number: "{{ phone_number }}"
      session_id: "{{ session_id }}"
    verify: false
      content-type: "application/json"
      user-agent: 'my-app/0.0.1'

  type: http_screen
  next_screen: http_post_example
  session_key: get_url_query
    method: get
    url: "http://localhost:8000/mock/balance/{{phone_number}}/"

  type: http_screen
  next_screen: http_async_example
  session_key: http_post_response
    method: post
    url: http://localhost:8000/mock/balance
        - 200
        - 201
        - 202
      session_id: "{{ session_id }}"
    verify: true
    timeout: 30
      content-type: "application/json"

  type: http_screen
  synchronous: True
  next_screen: end_of_http_example
  session_key: http_async_response
    method: get
    url: https://localhost:8000/mock/submission
      phone_number: "{{ phone_number }}"
      session_id: "{{ session_id }}"

  type: quit_screen
  text: >
    Testing response is being saved in session status code is
    {{http_post_response.status_code}} and balance is
    {{http_post_response.balance}} and full content {{http_post_response.content}}.

6. Router screen (type -> router_screen)

class ussd.screens.router_screen.RouterScreen(ussd_request: ussd.core.UssdRequest, handler: str, screen_content: dict, initial_screen: dict, logger=None)[source]

This screen is invisible to the user. Sometimes you would like to direct user to different screens depending on some status.

For instance you want to show different screen to users who are not registered and a different screen to users who have already registered. This is the screen to create.

Fields used to create this screen:
  1. router_options

    This is a list of router option. Each router option has the following fields

    1. expression
      This is a jinja expression that’s is evaluating to boolean It can reference anything in the session and parameters in ussd_request
    2. next_screen
      This is the screen to direct to if the above expression is true
  2. default_next_screen (optional)

    This is the screen to direct to if all expression in router_options failed.

  3. with_items (optional)

    Sometimes you want to loop over something until an item passes the expression. In this case use with_items. When using with_items you can use variable item in the expression.

    see in the example below for more explanation

Examples of router screens

initial_screen: router_exa_1

  type: router_screen
  default_next_screen: default_screen
    - expression: "{{ phone_number == 200|string }}"
      next_screen: 200_phone_number
    - expression: "{{ phone_number == 202| string }}"
      next_screen: 202_phone_number
    - expression: "{{ phone_number in [203|string, 204|string, 205|string] }}"
      next_screen: sample_router_screen_with_loop
    - expression: "{{ phone_number in [ 206|string, 207|string] }}"
      next_screen: sample_router_screen_with_dict_loop

  type: quit_screen
  text: This number is 200

  type: quit_screen
  text: This number is 202

  type: quit_screen
  text: This is the default screen

  type: router_screen
  default_next_screen: default_screen
  with_items: "{{ phone_numbers[phone_number]}}"
    - expression: "{{ item == 'registered' }}"
      next_screen: registred_screen
    - expression: "{{ item == 'not_registered'}}"
      next_screen: not_registered

  type: quit_screen
  text: You are registered user

  type: quit_screen
  text: You are not registered user

  type: router_screen
  default_next_screen: default_screen
    phone_number: '207'
    - expression: '{{ key == "phone_number" and value == phone_number}}'
      next_screen: 207_screen

  type: quit_screen
  text: >
    This screen has been routed here because the
    phone number is {{phone_number}}

7. Update session screen (type -> update_session_screen)

class ussd.screens.update_session_screen.UpdateSessionScreen(ussd_request: ussd.core.UssdRequest, handler: str, screen_content: dict, initial_screen: dict, logger=None)[source]

This screen is invisible to the user. Sometimes you may want to save something to the session to use later in other screens.

Fields used to create this screen:
  1. next_screen

    The screen to go after the session has been saved

  2. values_to_update

    This section defines the session to be saved.

    Inside this section should define the following fields

    1. key
      the key to be used to save
    2. value
      the value to store with the key above
    3. expression
      sometimes you want a condition before you can save data in section
initial_screen: screen_one

  type: update_session_screen
  next_screen: screen_two
    - expression: "{{phone_number == 200|string}}"
      key: customer_status
      value: registered
    - expression: "{{phone_number == 404|string}}"
      key: customer_status
      value: not_registered
    - key: aged_24
      value: "{{[]}}"
    - key: height_54
      value: "{{[]}}"

  type: update_session_screen
  next_screen: show_saved_status
    - name: Francis Mwangi
      age: 24
      height: 5.4
    - name: Isaac Karanja
      age: 22
      height: 5.4
    - name: Stephen Gitigi
      age: 20
      height: 5.5
    - name: Wambui
      age: 24
      height: 5.4
    - expression: "{{item.age == 24}}"
      key: aged_24
      value: "{{aged_24|append(item)}}"
    - expression: "{{item.height == 5.4}}"
      key: "height_54"
      value: "{{height_54|append(item)}}"

  type: quit_screen
  text: |
    The customer status is {{customer_status}}.
    People aged 24 {{aged_24}}
    People with height 5.4 {{height_54}}

8. Custom screen (type -> custom_screen)

class ussd.screens.custom_screen.CustomScreen(ussd_request: ussd.core.UssdRequest, handler: str, screen_content: dict, initial_screen: dict, logger=None)[source]

If you have a particular user case that’s not yet covered by our existing screens, this is the screen to use.

This screen allows us to define our own ussd screen.

To create it you need the following fields.
  1. screen_object
    This is the path to be used to import the class
  2. serializer (optional)
    This if you want to be validating your screen with specific fields
  3. You can define any field that you feel
    your custom screen might need.
examples of custom screen
class SampleCustomHandler1(UssdHandlerAbstract):
    abstract = True  # don't register custom classes
    def show_ussd_content():  # This method doesn't have to be static
        # Do anything custom here.
        return UssdResponse("This is a custom Handler1")

    def handle_ussd_input(self, ussd_input):
        # Do anything custom here
        print(ussd_input)  # pep 8 for the sake of using it.
        return self.ussd_request.forward('custom_screen_2')

class SampleSerializer(UssdBaseSerializer, NextUssdScreenSerializer):
        input_identifier = serializers.CharField(max_length=100)

class SampleCustomHandlerWithSerializer(UssdHandlerAbstract):
    abstract = True  # don't register custom classes
    serializer = SampleSerializer

    def show_ussd_content():  # This method doesn't have to be static
        return "Enter a digit and it will be doubled on your behalf"

    def handle_ussd_input(self, ussd_input):
        ] = int(ussd_input) * 2

        return self.ussd_request.forward(

example of defining a yaml

  type: initial_screen
  next_screen: choose_meal
    ussd_text_limit: 90
      en: More
      en: Back

  type: menu_screen
  text: Choose your favourite meal
  error_message: |
    You have selected invalid option try again
      - text: food
        next_screen: types_of_food
      - text: fruits
        next_screen: types_of_fruit
      - text: drinks
        next_screen: types_of_drinks
      - text: vegetables
        next_screen: types_of_vegetables
      - text: test pagination
        next_screen: test_text_prompt_pagination

  type: menu_screen
  text: Choose your favourite food
    - text: rice
      next_screen: rice_chosen
    - text: back
      next_screen: choose_meal
    - text: test next screen routing
        - condition: phone_number == '200'
          next_screen: test_next_screen_routing_one
        - condition: phone_number == '201'
          next_screen: test_next_screen_routing_two

  type: menu_screen
  text: No fruits available choose * to go back
    - text: back
      next_screen: choose_meal
      input_value: '*'

  type: menu_screen
  text: No drinks available choose 0 to go back
    - text: back
      next_screen: choose_meal
      input_display: "0 "
      input_value: '0'

  type: menu_screen
  text: Your rice will be delivered shortly. Choose 1 to go back
    - text: back
      next_screen: choose_meal

  type: menu_screen
  text: Choose one of the following vegetables
    text: Vege {{ item }}
    value: "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{{vegetables_list}}"
    session_key: selected_vegetable
    next_screen: choose_quantity

  type: menu_screen
  text: Choose vegetable size
    text: "{{ key }} at Ksh {{ value }}"
    value:  "{{ key }}"
    with_dict: "{{ vegetable_quantity }}"
    session_key: selected_quantity
    next_screen: selected_vegetable
    - text: back
      next_screen: choose_meal

  type: menu_screen
  text: >
   You have selected this {{selected_vegetable}}
   and this quantity {{selected_quantity}} at
    - text: test_list
      next_screen: test_list_with_native_loop

  type: menu_screen
  text: ""
    text: "{{item}}"
    value: "{{item}}"
    next_screen: test_explicit_dict_loop
    session_key: alphabet
      - a
      - b
      - c
      - d

  type: menu_screen
  text: ""
    text: "{{key}} for {{value}}"
    value: "{{item}}"
    next_screen: test_invalid_jija_variable
    session_key: testing
      a: apple
      b: boy
      c: cat

# we only support {{ }} jinja variables the otheres will be ingnored
# for now
  type: menu_screen
  text: Choose one of the following vegetables
    text: Vege {{ item }}
    value: "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{%vegetables_list%}"
    session_key: selected_vegetable
    next_screen: choose_quantity

# The screens below are testing pagination
  type: menu_screen
  text: |
    Ussd airflow should be able to wrap anytext that is larger than the one
    specified into two screens.
    - text: next
      next_screen: test_pagination_in_menu_options

  type: menu_screen
  text: |
    An example of screen with multiple options that need to be paginated
    - text: screen_with_both_text_and_menu_options_pagination
      next_screen: test_pagination_in_both_text_and_options
    - text: screen_with_both_text_item_options_pagination
      next_screen: test_pagination_in_both_text_options_items

  type: menu_screen
  text: |
    This screen has both large text and options that exceed the limit required
    so both the prompt and options will be paginated.
    - text: go back to the previous screen
      next_screen: test_pagination_in_menu_options
    - text: quit this session
      next_screen: last_screen
    - text: this options will be showed in the next_screen
      next_screen: test_pagination_in_both_text_options_items

  type: menu_screen
  text: |
    This screen has both large text, options, items that exceed ussd text limit
    part of this text would be displayed in the next screen
    text: "{{item}}"
    value: "{{item}}"
    next_screen: last_screen
    session_key: testing
      - apple
      - boy
      - cat
      - dog
      - egg
      - frog
      - girl
      - house
      - ice
      - joyce
      - kettle
      - lamp
      - mum
      - nurse
      - ostrich
      - pigeon
      - queen
      - river
      - sweet
      - tiger
      - umbrella
      - van
      - water
    - text: quit_session
      next_screen: last_screen

  type: quit_screen
  text: end of session {{testing}}

  type: quit_screen
  text: screen_one

  type: quit_screen
  text: screen_two

*Once you have created your ussd screens run the following code to validate them:*

python validate_ussd_journey /path/to/your/ussd/file.yaml